Course Overview - Traineeship

Qualification Duration

This qualification is typically delivered over a duration of 12-18 months, in the form of a traineeship.

Qualification AQF Level

Certificate III

Delivery Mode

This qualification is delivered using a face-to-face, classroom-based delivery mode.

This qualification reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. They support children’s wellbeing, and development in the context of an approved learning framework.

Qualification Detail

The successful completion of this qualification requires competency to be achieved in 17 units comprising of fifteen (15) core units and two (2) elective units.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification, although applicants will need to undertake an LLN assessment. Students must hold a valid Working with Children Check (WWC) or state equivalent, and a police check before participating in practical placement.

Units in this Qualification

Unit CodeUnit NameCore/Elective
CHCECE030Support inclusion and diversityCore
CHCECE031Support children’s health, safety and wellbeingCore
CHCECE032Nurture babies and toddlersCore
CHCECE033Develop positive and respectful relationships with childrenCore
CHCECE034Use an approved learning framework to guide practiceCore
CHCECE035Support the holistic learning and development of childrenCore
CHCECE036Provide experiences to support children’s play and learningCore
CHCECE037Support children to connect with the natural environmentCore
CHCECE038Observe children to inform practiceCore
CHCECE054Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culturesCore
CHCECE055Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education
and care
CHCECE056Work effectively in children’s education and careCore
CHCPRT001Identify and respond to children and young people at riskCore
HLTAID012Provide First Aid in an education and care settingCore
HLTWHS001Participate in workplace health and safetyCore
CHCDIV001Work with diverse peopleElective
HLTFSE001Follow basic food safety practicesElective


Qualification Outcomes

  1. Childhood Educator Assistant
  2. Outside School Hours Aide
  3. Preschool Assistant


To check if you are eligible for Government Funding for this course CLICK HERE

To view the full course fees and funding options available CLICK HERE

Individuals may be eligible for Government funding. AIVD will be able to discuss with you the different funding available and cost of training.
The Student Tuition Fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding

AIVD encourages individuals with disabilities to access training subsidised through the Skills First Program

Download our resources for more information and a full list of units.

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