Course Overview - Corporate

Qualification Duration

This qualification is typically delivered over a minimum duration of 12-14 months, including 280 hours of work placement in a regulated childcare facility.

Qualification AQF Level


Delivery Mode

This qualification is delivered using a face-to-face, classroom-based delivery mode.

This qualification reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. Educators at this level are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum that meets the requirements of an approved learning framework and for maintaining compliance in other areas of service operations.

Qualification Detail

The successful completion of this qualification requires competency to be achieved in 15 units comprising of twelve (12) core units and three (3) elective units, consisting of: 2 units from the electives listed below, up to 1 unit from the list below, elsewhere in the CHC Community Services Training Package, or any other current Training Package or accredited course. The selection of electives chosen must be guided by the job outcome sought, local sector requirements and the complexity of skills appropriate to the AQF level of this qualification.

Entry Requirements

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who hold either
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or
CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Students must also hold a valid Working with Children Check (WWC) or state equivalent, and have a police to attend Practical Placement.

Units in this Qualification

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Core
CHCECE041 Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children Core
CHCECE041 Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing Core
CHCECE043 Nurture creativity in children Core
CHCECE044 Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service Core
CHCECE045 Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children Core
CHCECE046 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children Core
CHCECE047 Analyse information to inform children’s learning Core
CHCECE048 Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum Core
CHCECE049 Embed environmental responsibility in service operations Core
CHCECE050 Work in partnership with children’s families Core
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Core
CHCDIV003 Manage and promote diversity Elective
CHCECE053 Respond to grievances and complaints about the service Elective
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy Elective

Qualification Outcomes

  1. Childhood Education Manager
  2. Outside School Hours Coordinator


To check if you are eligible for Government Funding for this course CLICK HERE

To view the full course fees and funding options available CLICK HERE

Individuals and or employers may be eligible for Government funding. AIVD will be able to discuss with you the different funding available and the cost of training.
The Student Tuition Fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding

AIVD encourages individuals with disabilities to access training subsidised through the Skills First Program​

Download our resources for more information and a full list of units.

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